About Me


My name is Katie and I'm the author behind The Random Life.

I grew up in a south suburb of Chicago,IL and just recently moved to
Sweetwater,Tn with my fiance, niece, and 2 little kittens. After graduating High School
in 2005, I started to Nanny and began writing during my free time.
Today, I enjoy:
- Arts and Crafts
- Outdoor Activities
-Trying new things

The Random Life started in 2011 as just a regular blog. As
time went on, it got more and more followers requesting
that I start doing reviews of certain products. In 2012, The
Random Life blog is a place where the young and old alike
can come together and find:
-Product Reviews
and much much more!
The Random Life also has a steady, loyal group of
followers and readers from all over the world!

My Family:

My niece Rebecca (or Becca as we call her)

My niece Megan

My nephew Daniel (or Danny we call him)

Megan and I....looking cool in our awesome edited photo!

My fiance Robert a.k.a. Bobby and I on his birthday!